Council Representatives
William Banfield - Assistant to the Executive Secretary Treasurer
Phone: (914)-393-7418 email: bbanfield@nasrcc.org
Scott Smith - Business Manager
Organizer: Sullivan and Ulster Counties
Phone: (845)-263-7516 email: ssmith@nasrcc.org
Matthew Ross - Council Representative
Servicing: Orange, Sullivan and Ulster Counties
Phone: (845)-763-2456 email: mross@nasrcc.org
Edward Cooke - Council Representative
Servicing: Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess and Columbia Counties
Phone: (914)-393-3910 email: ecooke@nasrcc.org
Augusto Marciante - Council Representative
Organizing: Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess and Columbia Counties
Phone: (845)-754-4792 email: amarciante@nasrcc.org
Pedro Galaviz - Council Representative
Organizing: Orange and Rockland Counties
Phone: (845)-763-3743 email: pgalaviz@nasrcc.org